
English the Native Way by Ricky Butler has been written specifically for any student who wants to sharpen his or her communication skills in preparation for formal and technical working environments.

The author of English the Native Way has drawn upon the fundamentals of human cognition theory, speech therapy, modern pedagogy, and linguistic case studies in order to create an innovative technique for students who need authentic language instruction beyond standardized testing for a career.  This technique, which is completely filtered of useless grammatical details and low-frequency concepts, optimizes the interactions between productive skills and receptive skills to help each student excel to a distinguished level of fluency.  Such a level will be more than sufficient to meet the demands of Higher Learning, business, science and technology, medicine, defense and more.  English the Native way serves all purposes!

English The Native Way is perfect for you if:

  • You perform well on multiple-choice examinations, but you struggle to communicate on your own.
  • You can initiate short conversations, but you struggle to provide details on your main points.
  • You have no problem understanding English, but you struggle to express your own ideas.
  • You try to dominate a conversation due to limitations in listening comprehension.
  • You want a language learning system that works in Informal, Formal, and Technical Settings.
  • You received good grades in English, but you struggle to write emails, letters, and reports.
  • You did not learn about structured speech or writing composition during your training.
  • You try to speak English like you speak your native language.
  • You have a large vocabulary bank, but you are not sure how or when to use certain words.

The main textbook not only can be used in the classroom but also can be used as a desk reference in any career field.

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